Our electric pedal assist bicycle coaches are ideal for touring the Cartagena’s Getsemani neighborhood lined with world-class colorful street murals created by both local and international artists. You’ll find tropical scenes, visual depictions of folk tales, traditional Colombian palenqueras (fruit sellers), and vignettes depicting the rise of the Afro/Caribbean Colombians who inherited Cartagena from the Spanish hundreds of years ago. Local artists use these street art installations to tell their stories in vibrant color and visitors come from all over the world.
You can also cruise down to the famed Thick city walled El Centro’s Old Town, a maze of 16th-century churches, cobbled streets, and colonnaded squares. Colonial landmarks include Clock Tower gate, the Palace of the Inquisition, and Cartagena Cathedral, while balconied mansions contain guest houses and boutiques selling local crafts and jewelry. Plaza Santo Domingo buzzes with buskers and cafes, as well as has a statue by Colombian artist Fernando Botero. Parts of both Getsemani and Centro were used as the backdrop in Will Smith’s 2020 film “Gemini Man”